tags/nu me/news/august 2015/images/w50/articles/4_2_LOGO 2.jpg - Search Results

24 Search results for tags/nu me/news/august 2015/images/w50/articles/4_2_LOGO 2.jpg.

Pre-Christmas Offers

PLEASE NOTE: These heavily discounted packages cannot be used with any discount codes. If you want to order other products with a code then please place 2 orders and we will refund the postage on one.

Welcome to all from Quantum Conversations

We hope you enjoyed our conversation with Lauren and absorbed some useful information about this profound technology and what it can do for you and your family. If you need to research more there is p

May News (QTB)

May News (QTB)

*Mothers Day - 10th May, Powerful Turquoise package, *Harmony in the home and a discount, *Win 2 Ki-bals Life Energy Designs April 2015 Life-Energy.org Newsletter Incorporating QTB Update May 2015 Mot

July News (QTB)

July News (QTB)

*FR*EE pendulum with instructions with every order in July, *Carnelian donut with spiral holder 1/2 price, *Special crystal wellbeing offer extended, *Natural cure for indigestion, *Izits back in stoc

July (2)(QTB)

July (2)(QTB)

* Planetary Healing - Building a healing energy grid, * 10 slight seconds pe-bals only $99, * 6 only - Carnelian Donut with spiral holder half price, * Win a Nu-Me Zing pendant, * Frequently asked que

November News (QTB)

November News (QTB)

*New Solfeggio music CD's *Healing with frequencies. *Crystal Bracelet Duo -Only $9 *Labradorite Angel - Only $29 *2 Are you suffering from stress? *Are we doing enough for you? " Quantum TrailBl

RadiSafe Testing

The RadiSafe is certainly one of the most tested cell phone shields available on the market today. This was a major consideration when we were looking for a quality complementary product. We did our o

Nu-Me Snappy

Research proves that EMF/EMR (electromagnetic fields) are extremely harmful, especially to our children, it can endanger their health and even be fatal. Not facts to deal with lightly. That’s wh

xxxxxxxSpecial Offers

PLEASE NOTE: These special offers cannot be used with any discount codes. If you want to order other products with a code then please place 2 orders and we will refund the postage on one. 925 SILVER S

Christmas Gifts Galore

PLEASE NOTE: These heavily discounted packages cannot be used with any other discount code. If you want to order other products with a code then please place 2 orders and we will refund the postage on

September News (QTB)

September News (QTB)

* Flash Sale! RadiSafe offer with F.r.e.e Izit, * Live Talk Show - Quantum Conversations, * Win a Nu-Me Skinny Tri-Curl Pendant, * Win a runner-up Chi-Shell prize. Life Energy News September 2016 Read

September News (QTB)

September News (QTB)

*Special offer for your home/work-place and you *Space clearing made easy. *Special Scalar wave sessions " Quantum TrailBlazer September 2014 Special offer for your home/work-place and you Space

January News (QTB)

January News (QTB)

* Limited Stock Slight Seconds Sale - Nu-Mes, * We can make you stronger!, * January Prize Draw, * P.e.bal Draw winner. Life Energy News January. var __plink_targets = { "linkedin.post": "http://s.rs6

October News (QTB)

October News (QTB)

* New Vintage style pendants, * FABULOUS Christmas special packages, * MULTI-BUYS save money, * Keep balanced when surrounded by energetic chaos, * Enter our draw to win $516 worth of protection. Life

Nu-Me Natty and Snappy

The Snappy bands and Natty protective pendants for kids of all ages, from birth to farewell, have the tried and tested Nu-Me technology and are embedded with scalar waves in the Solfeggio frequencies.

The Natty Pet

Our pets are precious. They are affected by unbalanced and negative energy just as we are. Because our pets need protection too we have made a protective product for them. The Natty Pet a in a silicon

Nu-Me makes you stronger

This might seem like an over-the-top claim. Rather than back it up with science and justification we are going to hand it over to you to prove for yourself. Here are the instructions: Watch the Video

Nu-Me Natty and Snappy

The Snappy bands and Natty protective pendants for kids of all ages, from birth to farewell, have the tried and tested Nu-Me technology and are embedded with scalar waves in the Solfeggio frequencies.

October News (QTB)

October News (QTB)

*Chakra Balancing/Healing Set offer. *Crystal Healing Pendant with a FR*EE gem elixir crystal. *Christmas Combos with FR*EE gifts. *HUGE discount on Gem Elixir kit with full instructions. *The energy

Night Terrors

There is a staggering incidence of 15% with night terrors in children. Night terrors are not to be confused with nightmares. Very little is known about them and the best that the doctor can do is advi

The 'IZIT' Muscle Tester

The Izit is a kinesiology tool that taps into your body for answers to any of life’s questions. It will help you make decisions on what is most advantageous to you. How to get the most out of yo

Crystal Properties

AMETHYST Amethyst is purple quartz, and is a meditative and calming stone. It benefits us emotionally, spiritually, and physically to provide calm, balance, patience, and peace. Amethyst is also benef

Orbs: spirits, camera anomalies, or something else?

Orbs: spirits, camera anomalies, or something else?

I have been coming across the subject of orbs quite a lot recently. For those readers not familiar, orbs are spheres of light that appear on digital photographs and video. This has become a phenomenon

Crop Circles - a way to communicate?

Crop Circles - a way to communicate?

A crop circle in Wiltshire England was formed in the symbol of the creative forces of Earth, which is also the symbol of infinity, and emblematic of Merlin, Allah, and Archangel Michael. Crop circles