The 'IZIT' Muscle Tester


The Izit is a kinesiology tool that taps into your body for answers to any of life’s questions. It will help you make decisions on what is most advantageous to you. How to get the most out of your life. We all know that some things are good for us - some are bad. But how do we know which is which? The Izit takes the guess work out of living.  

Few of us want to live our lives in a cave - rejecting all that is worldly - in case it is harmful. Most of us enjoy an occasional chocolate or glass of wine but is bread, milk, tomatoes, and chutney with our cheese and biscuits really doing us harm? Is it a good time for a career move? Can I leave paid work and follow a passion and not be destitute? Is this lump the big C? Will my team win the match and can I bet on it? 

There are literally hundreds of questions we have every single day. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have the answers - at our own finger tips? 

Well it is possible! - With the "Izit" 

The "Izit" has simplified Applied Kinesiology (muscle testing) so that there isn't any need for another person to be involved. And the answers can be double tested to be sure. It eliminates doubts. It makes you independently in control of your own life - your own decisions - your own destiny. 

What is applied Kinesiology?

Applied kinesiology was the name that Dr. George Goodhart gave to his discovery, in 1964, that the body always tells the truth. It is impossible for it to lie. 

The truth makes us strong. Lies make us weak. In the same way if we touch/think something good we are strong. If it is bad we are weak. By testing the body's strength (muscle testing) we can prove this. 

Dr Goodhart’s discovery of applied kinesiology was credited in 2001 in Time magazine as one of the top 100 innovations of medicine. 

Applied Kinesiology is used by practitioners word-wide to help people especially with health problems.

 Applied kinesiology means testing a person’s response to questions (often by seeing the strength of an out stretched arm when pushed down). Within us our higher self, or subconscious mind, has the answer to all questions. If we tap into that we get the true answers. 

The "Izit" makes it real easy. 

Ask a question. Press the "Izit" between your thumb and forefinger. If your response is weak (there is a gauge on the side of the "Izit") that means a "no". If you are strong and the reading is high it means a "yes". Simple. And accurate. 

Even a child can use an Izit - It couldn't be easier. And you can use it unobtrusively anywhere. What an advantage when you are checking ingredients in the supermarket - no attention  from swinging of a pendulum or pulling fingers apart!!

The "Izit" allows you take back the control of your own life in the most affordable way. So why would you want to live without it ? 

All Life Energy designs Ltd products are individually made, and are not factory produced, so each item is as unique as we are. Enjoy the care and joy that went into the production of each one.

IZIT Muscle Tester

IZIT Muscle Tester

All the answers you need using applied Kinesiology.

The IZIT Muscle tester


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