Life Energy Blog

Sue Nicholson renowned TV psychic wears a Nu-Me Protective Pendant

Sue Nicholson renowned TV psychic wears a Nu-Me Protective Pendant Sue Nicholson, the renowned New Zealand TV Psychic, wears a Nu-Me Protective Pendant and also uses the p.e.bal for protection. This is what she says about them:

"I have been wearing the Nu-Me Pendant for about 4 months. In the work that I do I really need to be balanced and centered. It helps me to calm down when I am filming on TV. I also find that it harmonizes any negative energy that other people bring into your space no matter where you are, I find it hard to sleep because of a very active mind. It helps me have a peaceful nights sleep.

I have seen other pendants but nothing matches the quality and craftsmanship of the Nu-Me pendant.

I also have the P.e.bal (Pyramid Energy Balancer). When I received this I could not stop looking at the symbols on all four sides. I take it every where with me as I stay in many different hotels where people leave their energy, it clears the space inside and out of the building.

I also have it sitting in my workshops just like a force field. It's also just a lovely piece to have sitting in your house or office and it does become a talking point when people see it and they just love to pick it up and feel the energy.

So many thanks to David and Margie for being able to use such amazing products."
Regards Sue Nicholson

When you meet Sue you can't help being impressed by her bright smile and sunny personality. She is as down to earth as her mid-England roots but her intelligence and enthusiasm for life are infectious. She is a breath of fresh air.

I met her at a weekend course that we were both attending some years ago. We spent quite some time together chatting over coffee (or it may have been herbal tea) in the breaks. She is the sort of interesting, inspiring company that you gravitate towards. Those memories are still vivid. We laughed a lot. Never was there so much as a hint of her gifts – nothing remotely psychic was mentioned.

Imagine my surprise when I saw her on TV2's Sensing murder. "That's our Sue" I exclaimed. Funny how we lay possessive claim to people we know – albeit ever so slightly. It was thrilling and quite a surprise that the Sue we knew – ever so slightly – was a famous gifted psychic medium. It was also testimony of course to Sue's lack of egoic need to only be identified with her abilities. This is truly remarkable, rare and refreshing in this world.

Now, of course, we know it all. Sue Nicholson is a gifted psychic who has been connecting with spirit since she was a child in the UK. She is clairaudient (hears), clairsentient (feels) and clairvoyant (sees) spirit. Often when channeling Sue takes on the persona of the spirit who she allows to use her hands to write. This is fascinating as you can see on Sensing Murder. It is also her hands that connect her to the energy of a person or place.

