Quantum Conversations - Welcome Retailers!

Thanks for showing up on this page. We hope you enjoyed our conversation with Laura and that you are now excited about helping us get this life-transforming technology to your clients / contacts who need it.

We are a New Zealand company and we will be shipping products to you from here. If you are in The U.S , Europe, Australia, or most places in the world we have very good communication networks and can get stock to you quickly and safely.  

Please take a moment to fill in the form below and tell us a bit about yourself. We will then get back to you with a letter detailing our very basic terms and links to our wholesale catalogue.

Have a truly blessed day,

David & Margie 

Any problems with the form or if you just want to email me directly : email
The best email to contact you directly.
If you have more than one website share the one most relevant. Must be in the format http://.....
Tell us about yourself or share any information that might be useful for us to advise the best ways to work together - eg. Do you have a bricks and mortar store? Web only? Practitioner? Party-Plan?......

Please enter the 3 letter code below. This helps us prevent spam. Code is not case-sensitive